Skunkware 5
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C/C++ Source or Header
173 lines
#ifndef _PaintP_h
#define _PaintP_h
/* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
/* | Copyright 1992, 1993, David Koblas (koblas@netcom.com) | */
/* | | */
/* | Permission to use, copy, modify, and to distribute this software | */
/* | and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without | */
/* | fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all | */
/* | copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission | */
/* | notice appear in supporting documentation. There is no | */
/* | representations about the suitability of this software for | */
/* | any purpose. this software is provided "as is" without express | */
/* | or implied warranty. | */
/* | | */
/* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
#include "Paint.h"
/* include superclass private header file */
#include <X11/CoreP.h>
#include <X11/CompositeP.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
/* define unique representation types not found in <X11/StringDefs.h> */
#define XtRPaintResource "PaintResource"
typedef struct {
int empty;
} PaintClassPart;
typedef struct _PaintClassRec {
CoreClassPart core_class;
CompositeClassPart composite_class;
PaintClassPart paint_class;
} PaintClassRec;
extern PaintClassRec paintClassRec;
typedef struct s_undoStack {
XRectangle box;
Pixmap pixmap;
Boolean valid;
struct s_undoStack *next, *prev;
} UndoStack;
typedef struct {
int drawWidth, drawHeight;
int fillRule, lineFillRule;
GC gc, igc, fgc, sgc;
Pixmap sourcePixmap;
Pixmap pattern, linePattern;
int lineWidth;
XFontStruct *fontInfo;
Pixel foreground, background, lineForeground;
int undoSize;
int readOnly;
** The undo system
Pixmap base;
UndoStack *undo, *head, *tail;
Boolean dirty;
Boolean snapOn, grid;
int snap;
void *eventList;
XtCallbackList fatcalls;
XtCallbackList sizecalls;
XtCallbackList regionCalls;
int zoomX, zoomY;
int zoom;
GC tgc; /* scratch GC, for stuffing clip masks into */
GC mgc; /* region mask GC, 1 bit deep */
GC xgc; /* XOR (invert) GC */
Widget paint;
Boolean paintGone;
int paintChildrenSize;
Widget *paintChildren;
Pixel linePixel;
Boolean compress;
Cursor cursor;
** Region info
struct {
Boolean inited;
Widget child;
Widget grip[9];
Position offX, offY;
Position baseX, baseY;
XRectangle rect, orig;
GC fg_gc, bg_gc;
Boolean isTracking, isDrawn, isRotate;
float lastAngle;
int fixedPoint;
float lineDelta[4], lineBase[2];
float startScaleX, startScaleY;
Pixmap source, mask, notMask;
XImage *sourceImg, *maskImg, *notMaskImg;
Boolean isAttached, isVisible, needResize;
Pixmap undoPixmap;
** The scale{X,Y} are combined with the rotMat
** to produce mat.
float centerX, centerY;
float scaleX, scaleY;
pwMatrix rotMat, mat;
int curZoom;
pwRegionDoneProc *proc;
} region;
Boolean invalidateRegion;
Region imageRegion;
XImage *image;
Position downX, downY; /* Last button down X & Y pos */
** Taken from our parent shell
Visual *visual;
} PaintPart;
#define PwPixmap(w) ((w)->paint.active->pixmap)
typedef struct _PaintRec {
CorePart core;
CompositePart composite;
PaintPart paint;
} PaintRec;
#define _GET_PIXMAP(pw) \
((pw)->paint.undo ? (pw)->paint.undo->pixmap : (pw)->paint.base)
#define GET_PIXMAP(pw) (pw->paint.paint ? \
_GET_PIXMAP((PaintWidget)pw->paint.paint) : _GET_PIXMAP(pw))
#define _GET_ZOOM(pw) pw->paint.zoom
#define GET_ZOOM(pw) ((pw->paint.zoom == PwZoomParent) ? \
_GET_ZOOM(((PaintWidget)pw->paint.paint)) : _GET_ZOOM(pw))
#define GET_MGC(pw, msk) ((pw)->paint.mgc == None ? \
(pw->paint.mgc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(pw), msk, 0, 0)) : pw->paint.mgc)
void pwRegionZoomPosChanged(PaintWidget);
void _PwZoomDraw(PaintWidget, Widget, GC, XImage*, XImage*,
Boolean, int, int, int, XRectangle *);
** Try to optimize XGetPixel and XPutPixel
#define ZINDEX8(x, y, img) ((y) * img->bytes_per_line) + (x)
#define xxGetPixel(img, x, y) \
((img->bits_per_pixel == 8) ? \
img->data[ZINDEX8(x, y, img)] : \
XGetPixel(img, x, y))
#define xxPutPixel(img, x, y, p) do { \
if (img->bits_per_pixel == 8) \
img->data[ZINDEX8(x, y, img)] = p; \
else \
XPutPixel(img, x, y, p); \
} while (0)
#endif /* _PaintP_h */